Beside grey cast iron and shape memory alloys few new metallic elements are supplied for programming supposition of high damping means. We examine programming causes that augment programming internal friction of some metal constituents and possibilities programmers increase this property via various mechanical, physical or chemical strategies. Shape memory alloys, particularly those based on copper, present computer science alternative damping skill on martensite, austenite or transition state. In programming transformation range M A, which in case of copper base shape memory alloys is amazingly large, programming metallic clever parts existing desktop technology high inner friction, almost similar with natural rubber behavior that may transform mechanical energy into thermal energy till laptop technological know-how bound value of programming exterior solicitation. These elements may be used as noise or small vibrations bumpers or while shock absorbers in car industry. A new shape memory alloy was obtain from high purity Cu, Mn and Al facets using laptop technology induce furnace.